The welded pipe is calle區麗d the welded pipe for short, and the車體 commonly used steel o光個r steel strip is welded by the cur雨明led forming of 這他the unit and the mo北關ld. The welding steel pipe pro遠紙duction process i輛街s simple, th紅能e production efficiency is high, t謝謝he variety specification is m相黑any, the equipment investment is few, b聽時ut the general stren船道gth is lower than the seamless steel 暗用pipe. Since 1930s, with t下老he rapid development of high-qua畫友lity strip rolling術北 production and progress of店商 welding and testin舞店g technology, and constantly improve 懂下the weld quality, varieties and spe理冷cifications of welded steel 學道pipe is increasing, and in more a要公nd more fields especially in the heat 北志pipe, who spare decorative tube, tub國員e for low-pressure fluid etc. instead 話樹of the seamle體自ss steel tube.
First, the small caliber sta都鄉inless steel w術書elded pipe is continuous online紙拿 production. The thick在見er the wall is請慢, the greater the investment will be著黃 for the unit and the melting equipmen輛樹t. The less economi時吃cal and practical it is. The s有討maller the wall thick慢美ness is, the lower the input output輛相 ratio will be; the next 北黑is the technology of t月路he product, which determ票黑ines its advantages and 了兵disadvantages. Th間見e general welded steel 飛聽pipe has high accuracy視農, uniform wa睡南ll thickness, high 請務brightness in什民side and outside the tube (the surface 綠們brightness of the steel p開女late determines the surface bright木兵ness of the stee秒影l tube), and it can be arbit多工rarily fixed. Therefore, it embodies it拍錢s economy and beauty in the a城湖pplication of high腦相 precision, medium and low press頻金ure fluid.
According to th匠算e form of weld, it is 長下divided into straight wel志朋ded pipe and spiral welded pipe.紙線
Dividedagain general pipe, h算司eat exchanger pip短書e, condenser pipe, galv那話anized pipe, blowing報分 pipe, wire tube, pipe 器哥metric, roller tube, deep well p照算ump, tube for automobile, transf謝風ormer tube, welding, weldin商他g of thin-walled tube shaped tube a議知nd spiral welded pipe
GB/T12770-2002 (stainl和門ess steel welded steel pipe for少去 mechanical structure日窗). It is mainly use師如d for the de煙媽coration of machinery, automobile,計明 bicycle, furniture, hotel and hotel an劇請d other mechanical parts and str白醫uctural part店人s. It represe從作nts the material 0Cr13畫跳, 1Cr17, 00C醫兵r19Ni11, 1Cr18Ni9, 0Cr18Ni11Nb an玩區d so on.
GB/T12771-2008上高 (stainless steel welded steel pip唱說e for fluid deli金作very). It is mainly used for開數 conveying low p區草ressure corrosive medium. The國商 representative materials are 0門作6Cr19Ni10, 022Cr19Ni腦村10, 06Cr19Ni110Ti, 00Cr17, 0Cr18Ni11N街用b, 06Cr17Ni12Mo2 and so on.