
317L stainless steel tube

317L stainless steel tube is a brand舞農 of stainless steel produced ac男弟cording to the American ASTM st醫厭andard. It belongs to the he長那at-resistant steel, and 如和317L is equivalent to 人務the 00Cr19Ni13Mo3 stainless steel tube 空草in our country. 317 c暗機hromium containing 18.0-20.0匠什%, containing nickel 11.0-15.0%, conta亮呢ining molybdenum 3.0-4.0%.

317L stainless steel 錢木tube is 0Cr19Ni13Mo3 ultra-low 請也carbon steel, and the i黃就ntercrystalline corrosi白業on resistance of 0Cr19Ni13Mo3 is better水月 than that of the stee我你l.

Heat treatment of 317L stainless steel河費 tube: solid讀秒 solution treatmen購影t (centigrade) 1010-1150 fast cooli拿黑ng

Mechanical properties of auste錯河nitic steel w吃花ith 317 stainless st現子eel tube treated by solid s是線olution (GB/T4237-92)

The yield strength坐時 is more than 177/MPa, the討議 tensile strength is more影媽 than 480/ MPa, the elongation is high們人er than 35%, hardness test: HB行新S = 187, HRB = 90, HV 通弟= 200

317L stainless steel chemical 日你composition: C樂子 = 0.08, Si = 1, Mn = 2美厭, P = 0.035, S = 0從小.030, Ni=11~15, Cr=18.00分電~20.00, Mo=3~4

A high alloy steel人科 corrosion resistance in t生舞he air or chemical corro議北sion, stainless st姐通eel is a beautiful surface 醫讀and good corrosion resistance, w件現ithout plating surface trea理好tment, its inherent surface properties購呢 of stainless steel, used in many as藍術pects of steel, often called stainle看和ss steel. Rep快歌resents the properties of 13 steel, 車不chromium nickel steel and high術國 alloy steel 18-8.

From metallographical analysis, stainl術又ess steel contains chr生要omium to form a thin chromium film on t子上he surface, which慢我 separates the oxyg討綠en from the steel an舊一d acts as an anticorrosive age公刀nt.

In order to maintain the c物訊orrosion resi男件stance inherent t地站o the stainless steel女醫, the steel must contain more人多 than 12% chromium.

317L stainless 湖空steel pipe belongs t木器o ultra low carbo分視n stainless steel, the pr數舊ice of this stainless妹家 steel is more expensive than the ordin門什ary stainless steel, but more expen弟線sive than the 317L st匠水ainless steel plate.

The calculation formula is用鄉: (outer diameter - wall thickness銀家) * wall thickn呢舞ess *0.02491車雪= kg / M